MOOSH is a conceptual wine company, collaborating with Ecovative to create a unique gift box experience. Each box contains carefully selected traditional wines sourced from various regions around the globe, with a focus on providing a non-wine connoisseur friendly approach to exploring the different notes and flavors of each wine.

The visual identity of MOOSH draws inspiration solely from mushrooms. The early stages of the brand identity development was spent conducting extensive research to understand the intricacies of this fascinating fungi. The design system captures the otherworldly forms that mushrooms can take, while still maintaining a concise approach that showcases the natural wonders of mushrooms through eclectic color palette and dynamic, line-heavy, illustrations.

Partnering with biotech company Ecovative, MOOSH also highlights the use of MycoComposite packaging in their promotional mailers. This innovative technology, which utilizes mycelium, is fully compostable and helps combat plastic pollution, one of the planet's largest environmental issues.

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